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#4 "Note" - Chayakan Plaengchantuek  2000-01 from Chonburi Thailand 


Note & Frank were with me together that year!
It was a grand experiment - to have two foreign students in the same
household - and we all really became family!

Note was always smiling, but not as good as the day he graduated!!
On the honor roll too!

Note and Frank, spring 2001, one of the trees we lost in the wind of August 9th of that summer.

Fall of 2002  Note, His mom Punnee, and brother "New"

Here's NOTE in December of 2004
He's a GREAT GUY, I can't wait till he visits!
We were so worried after the tsunami but he and his
family are all OK.  Our hearts go out to those that
weren't as fortunate!

The following from Note on my Birthday July 30, 2005

WOW at the ocean, cell phone in hand!

I'm guessing one of these gals is Note's GF, but no info from the Notester!

Appears to be a boat, a hot day, and good fun.

Mr. Serious sometimes!

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